Advice for Organisations

GMCTF has limited funds to support the work of organisations.

Please note that organisations must ensure that any grant awarded is used for the purpose for which it is awarded and that appropriate records of expenditure under any grant awarded are kept, and, that if requested, these are made available to GMCTF.

Please also note that control of expenditure funded under any grant awarded by GMCTF is covered by formal audit arrangements, including standard procedures for anti-fraud and corruption control.

Please note that, as well as a narrative report on activities carried out under any grant awarded, an end of grant spend report is required.

Before starting to fill in the application form, please read carefully through the form and the information available on this website.  The Trust's selection criteria are described below.  The FAQs may help you to clarify the matters about which you are uncertain.


All applications from organisations must also be supported by references. Please remember to refer your referees to the Information for Referees section of the website. Your application will not be considered by GMCTF without the letters of support from your referees, and it is your responsibility to ask them to send these letters to GMCTF by 10th March 2025.